How to's

Add Variations

Add variations

To add a variation, go to the Variation section in the Product Data meta box.

Manually Adding a Variation

Select Add variation from the dropdown menu, and click Go Select attributes for your variation. To change additional data, click the triangle icon to expand the variation. Edit any of the available data. The only required field is Regular Price


Adding attributes for variations

To add a variable product, either edit an existing product or create a new one. Go to: Products > Products. Select the Add Product button or edit an existing product. Once in a product, select Variable product from the Product Data dropdown. 4. In the Attributes section, add attributes before creating variations — use global attributes or define custom ones specific to each product. • To use a...

Adding Product Attributes to your Store

Product Attributes

Attributes are pieces of data that can add more technical information to a product and help users refine your catalog while browsing/searching. Creating an attribute set is done in a similar way to a category (explained later). For now we’ll describe attributes and their primary benefit with a hypothetical example. Additionally, attributes are a key component of authoring variable products

Usage scenario


Products – and how to add them in your website

Follow these easy steps on how to add your product in your website  Click on product - add product This will take you to the following screen At the top give your product a name where it says:  Product name Description block Here you tell your client everything there is to know about your product you can give full details regarding the product being sold...

How to write a new post / latest news

Here is a quick how to guide on how to write your latest news article using your post function on your website.

Go to post / latest news and click on add new Now you are ready to do your first post / latest news, here are the steps

Title line

In first white line (where it says enter title here) give your post...

Go Back to Windows 7 or 8.1

Don’t like Windows 10? As long as you've upgraded within the last month, you can Uninstall Windows 10 and downgrade your PC back to its original Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 Operating system. You can always upgrade to Windows 10 again later. Even if it’s been more than a month, you should be able to reinstall the version of Windows that came...

Reduce Data usage on your mobile Phones

Note: Reduced data usage will vary, but using these five steps literally cut my data usage in half. Feel free to adapt these tips for the specific apps you use the most or your particular usage habits. Compressing Chrome pages can have some huge data savings. / © ANDROIDPIT

1. Compress Chrome pages will Reduce Data Usage

Assuming you use Chrome for all your web...