Tips & Facts

Email Spam – Why Do Email Service Providers Care About Email Spam?

Without a doubt, your company email marketing program or newsletter will at some point encounter a battle with email service providers' email-spam filters. In that moment of frustration, you will wonder why an email service provider cares at all about whether a spam message goes to the inbox or the junk folder and why the spam filters are so prohibitive. The truth is that, for...

Outgoing mail server for your email account

How many times have you tried to setup your email account, but don't have a clue to what the outgoing mail server is?

SMTP settings are simply your outgoing mail server settings; this particular protocol only works for outgoing messages. Most email software is designed to use SMTP for communication purposes when sending email. POP3 and IMAP are two other...

Social media, can it effect sales?

“Can social media effect sales?”  Businesses are generating more leads and closing them faster with social media integration. They’re learning how to earn a RESPONSE from potential clients and close them.  Realizing the effects blogs and Facebook accounts have on their sales and taking the necessary steps to make social media produce leads they can work with.

Question: “What is my SOCIAL MEDIA accounts impact on sales?” 

Answer: It creates...

How Do POP and IMAP Compare?

Pop and Imap ?!

If you have ever set up an email client or app, you will have certainly come across the terms POP and IMAP. If you are not quite sure what these terms stand for and how each affects your email account, this article will shed some light. The article explains how POP and IMAP work and will help...

Reduce Data usage on your mobile Phones

Note: Reduced data usage will vary, but using these five steps literally cut my data usage in half. Feel free to adapt these tips for the specific apps you use the most or your particular usage habits. Compressing Chrome pages can have some huge data savings. / © ANDROIDPIT

1. Compress Chrome pages will Reduce Data Usage

Assuming you use Chrome for all your web...